I reread my last post. I thought perhaps the term "barbed word "craft" might be misunderstood. I am proud of being a crafter and find no dishonor in having any of my work called a craft. I have worked hard and have become skilled at techniques I use.
It has only been in the last few years that people have referred to my work as art. The term started showing up in reference to my work when I started making one-of-a-kind items. Not thinking of marketability, I was making items just to express thoughts or for the sheer joy of creating.
The words art and craft are sometimes a mystery. What determines which one is used in reference to one's work? I read a quote somewhere -- and I know I am not quoting it word for word--but am at least expressing the main thought. "The crafter creates to please people, the artist creates to please himself" Is that true?
I think everyone, artist and crafter alike, hope others will appreciate their work. If not why would there be art shows and exhibitions? Perhaps, having people appreciate work, and pleasing them are also two different things.
I guess all in all it doesn't matter what it is called. I enjoy what I do. I hope others like it, but whether they do or not I will continue to create because doing so pleases me.